Between 21st and 23rd of May, representatives of Kulturatka (Poland) and Cantiere Giovani (Italy) attended the first meeting of the SIVIM project (Social Inclusion through Virtual International Mobility), held in the Spanish city of Alcalá de Guadaíra. The project was inaugurated by Mariló Gutiérrez, Councillor for social services of the City Council of Alcalá de Guadaíra, who congratulated the representatives of each organisation for their commitment to reducing the inequalities faced by young people who cannot access learning mobility opportunities.
It order to achieve this objective, the Coordinating Organisation (Alcalá de Guadaíra City Council) and its partners (Kultratka and Cantiere Giovani) intend to develop innovative educational materials, in the form of a Toolkit for Virtual Mobility in non-formal education. Thanks to virtual activities, this Toolkit will give to young people who cannot travel, the opportunity to develop similar competences to the ones gained by those taking part in transnational learning mobility activities.
To do so, partners dedicated most of the meeting to the preparation of the content for the Toolkit: each organisation presented to the others their content proposals before sharing feedback and advice to help each other. The next step will be to finalise the development of the toolkit before the training event in October 2015 during which the future trainers will learn how to use correctly the educational materials.
This project, co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, will be a stepping stone towards reducing the inequalities by giving virtual learning mobility opportunities to young people who cannot access transnational mobility opportunities.
Kulturatka is a partner in SIVIM project.
For more information: m.skowronska[at]